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Abortion is Not an Option Pt. 2

Last time, I talked about how fear was trying to control my destiny. Go back and read my last blog post (Part 1) if you haven’t already. I started to tell a story. That’s where I want to pick up today.

Fear was controlling my destiny and was dictating my drive…to drive.

I was actually quite content with relying on other means of transportation - but then I began to realize more and more the value of having my driver’s license.

I had to be extremely flexible with other people’s schedule.

It seemed like...

Whenever I was ready to leave…I ALWAYS HAD TO WAIT.

Whenever I needed to stay…I ALWAYS HAD TO LEAVE.

Whenever I needed to be on time…I WAS ALWAYS LATE!

This was not fun at all.

Needless to say…getting my driver’s license became more and more of a serious goal of mine even in the face of fear.

So, I worked toward getting my permit AGAIN.

A couple of years passed…

And it was just about the time for my permit to expire AGAIN.

I thought to myself, I really need to finally take my driver’s test.

So I scheduled it a few days before my permit expired.

I thought I was ready but…I FAILED THE TEST.

I couldn't believe it.

I had to retake the permit test over AGAIN because I waited too late to renew it.

I was devastated.

I was so discouraged.

I couldn’t believe it.

I felt like an EPIC failure.

I think I even cried.

I began to think, maybe I’m not supposed to drive at all.

This is taking too long.

This is hurting.

This is too hard.

This isn’t worth it.

I feel like I can’t do this.

I wanted to ABORT this part of my destiny.

I entertained these thoughts momentarily but God and my angels began to minister to me. We’re learning at my church now that angels are ministering spirits sent to minister to the heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14). Well, I AM ONE OF THOSE HEIRS! Even though I wasn’t as aware of my angels during that time, I realize now that they were literally ministering encouragement to me when I needed it the most. God would even use people in my life to encourage me.

I began to change my confession into things like:

  • This is not too hard. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

  • I am not afraid. God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

  • I will not fail again. I will pass with flying colors!

Psalm 103:20 says, “Bless the LORD, ye His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His word.”

So, as I was speaking and giving voice to God’s word, I know that my angels were moving. They were taking action. They were carrying out His word on my behalf in regards to attaining my driver’s license.

Through supernatural intervention, I gained the courage to take my permit test again and I PASSED. Praise God!

Then, I scheduled my driver’s test again. This was the BIG ONE for me.

The enemy tried to tell me that I would fail again.

He tried to tell me that I wasn’t ready for it.

He even attempted to get me to back out of the test altogether.


God told me I WAS READY FOR IT.

God told me to TAKE IT.

Needless to say, IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME COMING….but I am finally a Licensed Driver!!! Hallelujah!!! For some people, this may seem very “small”. But for me, it is HUGE because I know where God has brought me from.

Sidebar: Never allow anybody to minimize your victories. No matter how big or small, it's worth celebrating and praising God for. That’s for somebody.

But imagine if I would’ve gave up.

Imagine if I would’ve stayed discouraged.

Imagine if I would’ve allowed discouragement to keep me in a low place.

I would’ve never realized this victory in my life.

I know my testimony is very a natural example but it has so many spiritual implications.

Never allow discouragement to dictate your drive toward destiny.

King David could have been discouraged in 1 Samuel 30:6. The bible actually says, "he was distressed" because the Amalekites took all of their wives, sons, and daughters as captives and carried them away! The people left were getting ready to stone him! He could've really stayed down on himself but in midst of all that turmoil and pressure, what did he do? He chose to encourage himself in the Lord. Why? Because he was determined to birth out the fullness of destiny in his life! He knew that in God, there was hope. So he kept his expectation because he wanted his destiny to be delivered - not delayed…and most certainly not aborted.

So my question for you is:

What do you want out of your life?

What dreams have God placed in your heart?

What is your destiny?

Where is your drive?

No matter where you are in your life right now - as long as you’re alive, Destiny is living, breathing, and moving in you and you cannot afford to abort it. There is a purpose for your life - a purpose for your destiny. It’s so much bigger than you. Can’t you see it?

Your destiny is the catalyst for others freedom and deliverance. So if you abort your destiny, how will other people get free? How will they walk into all that God has for them?

The truth is - Your destiny is more valuable than you realize. It’s more important than you think. So cherish it. Take care of it. Nurture it so it can develop properly. Because there is whole sea of people that are connected to your destiny!

So no matter what discouragement you may feel.

No matter what the enemy tried to tell you.

No matter how Epic of a Fail you think you made.

Know that - THE DEVIL IS A LIAR. Fight back.

Know that - GOD HAS A PLAN. Stay on track.

Know that - IT’S NOT OVER. Stay Encouraged.

Know that - YOU WILL WIN. Walk in your Victory.

And no matter what you do – Remember, ABORTION IS NOT AN OPTION!



"Encounter God: 21 Day Challenge" is now available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble in Hard Copy or E-book. God is doing some amazing things through this 21 Day Challenge. So if you don't have it yet, GO GET IT and get in on this!


Last Month, I gave out a free gift to all of my subscribers - but I will be doing another special give-away soon! So if you haven’t already - subscribe to my blog & connect with me on all of my social media sites so that you don't miss a thing! To connect with me on Periscope, follow me @JenniferWalton.


Recently, my sister Gabrielle and I have really felt led by God to get to the root of what's really keeping people from Encountering God daily. So Get ready. We will be totally transparent and share with you insight on how to overcome certain obstacles to Encounter God in new ways for yourself. We will even share some personal experiences. We are going to GO DEEP on Periscope for the next few months & we want to hear what topics you want to hear about - Be sure to leave a comment or send a message to let me know what topics you want us to touch on!

Much Love,

Jennifer Walton


© 2025 by Creative Rize Media Productions

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