Fear has Nothing on YOU!

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a minute. God has been speaking to me about something and I want to share it with you!
Recently, I had the chance to do something BIG that I’ve never done before. It was an amazing opportunity! It seemed a little scary at first. To be honest, I contemplated to not do it AT ALL…
But I knew I had it in me. I knew God had given me the ability. Fear of failure & rejection just didn’t want to me to take that first step.
So…one day, I asked God, “Should I do this?” and I heard Him say, “WHY NOT?”
And today, I believe many of you have the same questions in your heart? You’re like God…
Should I start my business?
Should I write that book?
Should I take that test?
Should I pursue that dream?
Am I ready for this? SHOULD I DO THIS?
My response to you is the same. If it’s something God has placed in your heart and He’s leading to do it…WHY NOT?
To finish my story...I DID IT.
I took the opportunity. It seemed scary…but it was worth it.
Because I took another step toward conquering fear itself in this area of my life.
Fear of failure & rejection will always try to make you shrink back from the amazing opportunities God has planned for you…BUT DON’T LET IT.
And I speak this into your life, "The right gift at the right time will open up new opportunities to you and will gain you access to influential people” (Proverbs 18:16 VOICE).
And you will fear NO MAN…because if God is for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31)
God spoke something else to me this morning and I’m going to tell you the same - “Don’t allow fear to stop you from doing what you know God has given you the power to do!”
Even if you don’t pass the first time…even you don’t get chosen. SO WHAT?
Stop contemplating every scenario of what could happen….
AND JUST STEP OUT IN FAITH…and see what happens!
You have what it takes. It’s not impossible. Because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).
I hope that this has encouraged you to take a leap of faith on those things you may have been procrastinating about.
A Few Updates Everyone:
SHARE - If this post blessed you in any way, let me know! And be sure to share it with someone, so that they can be encouraged too!
GREAT NEWS - The "Encounter God: 21 Day Challenge" Book is now available on my blog site! There have been some Awesome Testimonies of Encounters with God through this book, so take on the Challenge - head on over to my Online Shop and order yours today!
ABLAZE YOUTH SUNDAY - Youth Sunday is coming up at my church on July 30th and it’s going to be FIRE! If you don’t have a local church home, I invite you to come out and join us. God uses our teens in so many creative ways. They sing. They dance. They step. They spit poetry. They always surprise us SO DON’T MISS IT!
9am Service | Faith Refuge Christ Center (1520 Jennings Street, Gary, IN)
11am Service | Faith Temple of Christ (7601 Whitcomb Street, Merrillville, IN)
“WOMEN OF PRAYER: UNLOCK DESTINY” Supernatural Experience
November 17th-18th is going to be Radical! Join me at Faith Temple of Christ for 2 Days of Impartation & Power. Speakers include Lady Amanda Ferguson, Minister MiChelle Ferguson and more! Free & VIP Registration are available online. The Exclusive V.I.P. Luncheon is limited to the first 100 Ladies who register. So click HERE and go check it out!
Much Love,
Jennifer Walton