The Start of Something Big!

Hey Everyone! I'm super excited about my new blog & about the awesome things God desires to do in you! If you didn’t know already, God has a crazy amazing plan for your life and it's far beyond your wildest dreams. That’s Exciting! God’s plan for your life goes far beyond anything you can fathom or even understand. Although at times, it may be hard to see - YOU HAVE A DESTINY and it’s so much bigger than you!
Transparent Moment: For a long time, I didn’t think I had a destiny. I couldn’t see beyond my present. I thought my future was absent.
So when I tell you, I know what it means to feel as if there’s NO HOPE, I really do. And when I tell you I know what it means to rise in my faith, I’ve learned that too.
I’ve been at low places in my life and God has helped me to overcome them. So I’m going to challenge faith to rise inside of you.
I’ve sought out love in people & things and came up empty until I found God. So I’m going to reveal the truth of God’s love to you.
I’ve thought my dreams were dead until God breathed life into them again. So I’m going to spark destiny to come alive in you!
There’s so much more God wants to do in your life & I’m excited about your future so be excited too! I’m looking forward to how God speaks through this blog. As He inspires me, be on the lookout for encouraging posts, blogs, and videos - anything to inspire you!
Thank you for visiting my blog today! A few updates:
I believe God is up to something BIG and that now is the time to release them! So subscribe to my blog and be the first to get updates & notifications about new blog posts. Not to mention, I’ll also be giving out a free gift to all of my subscribers!
Encounter God Night - Friday, April 28th at 7 p.m., get ready to ENCOUNTER GOD in a unique way! This Event is going to be hosted at Faith Temple of Christ in Merrillville, Indiana (7601 Whitcomb Street). We come together on ONE NIGHT to Encounter God. It’s Unorthodox. It’s Spontaneous. It’s totally DIFFERENT yet totally GOD. All you need is One Encounter & it will change everything. If you live in Indiana, come join us! If you don't stay around here, make it a point to GET HERE. You don't want to miss this! Tell everyone you know & come be a part of this Movement! Register today at:
Much Love,
Jennifer Walton