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Last week, I introduced “No more Excuses”. (If you haven’t read it yet, GO READ IT because it’s going to lead us straight into this post!)

I shared how God’s Presence banished every excuse that I ever had for not knowing Him - although I had many.

ONE OF MY BIGGEST EXCUSES WAS - How can I trust God when I can’t trust people?

That’s exactly what I want to hit on! TRUST - Because I know a lot of people struggle with trust. I was one of them and I still have to stay on top of that thing every day!

A lot of us would say, we “trust God”. My goodness, our country even claims to “trust God” - BUT DO WE REALLY?

Transparent Moment: Growing up, I was rejected by my peers. Talked about to the point where I hated school - hated the world. I cried almost every day. I felt like nobody cared.

I didn’t really understand why people were so mean to ME.

Nobody really accepted ME.

Nobody wanted to be around ME.

I was even ashamed of ME.

So I became a loner. That was my choice. I stopped trusting people. That was my choice too.

My theory was: If I didn’t let people into my heart, they could never damage it. THAT THEORY WAS PROVED FALSE very quickly!!! My heart actually became more broken…

In a nutshell, I felt like I had every reason to NOT TRUST GOD and I know some of you may feel the same way…

You may be like:

“How can I trust God” when I’ve been rejected?

“How can I trust God” when I couldn’t even trust my own father?

“How can I trust God” when people continue to hurt me over and over again?

“How can I trust God” when I feel like He let me down?

LET ME TELL YOU NOW, I don’t have a cookie-cutter answer to any of these questions. Neither will I attempt to. God is the only one who can answer your questions.

But when I asked God for myself, “How can I trust You when I can’t trust people?”

This is what He told me:

“Trust Me with all of your heart; and don’t lean on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

So, God was pretty much telling me…

“Stop trusting people with all of your heart. Trust Me with ALL OF IT - broken pieces and all. I can handle it. Oh and by the way, don’t trust what you can understand with your natural mind. Don’t lean on it. Don’t rely on it. Don’t even depend on it. “Your understanding” is like an unstable chair. It will LET YOU DOWN every time. So, even when you don’t understand - JUST TRUST ME.”

THAT WORD RIGHT THERE CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER. It will change yours too - if you receive it.

Am I saying “TRUSTING GOD” is always easy? No. It took time and walking through many experiences for me to develop my trust in God today. And every day, I’m still learning how to trust Him in more and new ways.

So I’m not saying it’s going to be easy - WHAT I AM SAYING IS, Trusting God is worth it! Because He’s not like man - GOD WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN! (Numbers 23:19)

God cares about you - He wants to Heal You. He wants to Encounter you through His Love.

He sees. He knows. He understands. But He needs you to Trust Him!

He will not break down your doors to Encounter you.

He will not tear down your walls.

He will not pick at the lock of your heart.

You have to be open and invite Him in, Then, God will come in and Encounter You!

He says so HIMSELF. Don’t believe me. Check this out >>>

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if anyone hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20)

SO…GOD IS READY TO COME IN. He’s been at your door knocking for a minute now. He’s been calling you to a deeper level of intimacy with Him. He’s so ready to Encounter You!

Are you ready to Trust Him? #NoMoreExcuses

I trust this Post was a blessing to you and that you’re ready to TRUST GOD in a whole new way!

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Much Love,

Jennifer Walton

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